Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dear _________,

"So a pirate walks into a bar, and the bartender is like, 'Hey, you have a steering wheel in your pants.' And the pirate says, 'Yarr, it's drivin' me nuts!'"
(Such was John's input in the middle of our AP calculus test on Wednesday last week.)

AP tests are done. Well for the most part, at least. The fire of high school is out, and all that's left is the mop-up. I've got a research project and some stats left to do, but overall there's no... umph... left at DHS. And it feels really cool, to be honest. It's cool to finally be the ones graduating, to be the ones celebrating 12 years well done, to be the ones leaving. I've got some misgivings, but I'm psyched.

Mostly, I've found that I'm thankful. This struck me as strange at first, but upon further inspection - upon looking back over these past four years and the junk I've overcome, the good times I've had, and the memories that stick out - I've come to realize that it's so fitting... so right.

Dear Hans, John, Mike, Jason, and all my other peers,

We did it, guys. Congrats. John, Jason, and so many others; we've been hashing this out as a makeshift team since pretty much kindergarten (except for you, Hans. I think we picked you up in like first grade... slacker.) I remember all those ridiculous GT classes with Mrs. Williams, the Halloween pageants every year in elementary school year during which Mr. Greenburg would always dress up as a green M&M and Paul would always be a pumpkin. I remember sleepovers and bike rides and The Oregon Trail. I remember entering high school and wondering if our little band of miscreants would still be together, only to find out that the bonds became strengthened. I remember all the times you guys put up with my shenanigans, all the times I was a total jerk or loser or what have you.

So thank you. Thanks for being such awesome friends. The laughs, the memories, the crazy stunts, will never be forgotten. Good luck wherever you're going to college (yes, even if it is UN-ARE lame.*) And don't think for a second that August 20th will be the last time you see my crazy face.

Dear Robbie, Stacey, Jeff, and David,

Dudes (and dudette). Why is it that here I am, about graduate high school and move into the great wide world, and you aren't here to celebrate with me? Tisk tisk, you guys. All I can say is be ready for a severe toilet papering to come in the near future.** I'd be a colossal liar if I claimed that you all had no role in this. I don't now where I'd be if you hadn't been there to take me out to Chili's, to allow me to watch 24 in your house, and to nail me with a hacky-sack from time to time. Most importantly, thank you for your investment in me. Thanks for taking the time to explain this whole Christianity thing, to answer my endless questions, and be a tangible picture of Jesus in my life.

Let me tell you that there are few people in this world more amazing than you lot. And that I can't wait to come visit you this coming school year. And that I miss you all terribly. And that sometimes I sit on my roof and yell your names really loud until the neighbors call the police.***

Dear Aaron, Lars, and Brandon,

I think you of all people should be congratulated on putting up with me, because you are some the few people in this world who I can just totally dump all my crap onto the table in front of you and know you'll help me sort it out. Thanks for being such awesome companions and having such tireless patience with me. Let me tell you that the A-Team better not perish because of my untimely departure, or else I'll have to turn all "Dark Side" on you and come back to destroy you each one-on-one in an epic funoodle battle.

Oh, and remember not to get Brandeldandon mixed up with Dandlebrandon.**** That could be awkward.

Well, there's just a little of the gratitude that I felt like sealing into a pod and launching into cyberspace. I can't wait for graduation to come so that I can finally say that I'm done. And I can't wait for college so that I can finally say that I've begun.


P.S. In addition to this blog, I mailed out a letter to a specific individual towards whom I've been feeling immense gratitude. I sincerely hope that you have received it, as I would feel like an epic jerk if your role in this thing known as "my life" was forgotten.

*Yes, I realize that a certain scum pond is equal in area to a certain college. Go ahead, have your laughs. ;)
**Or a severe coffee table organizing, if you're Stacey.
*** May or may not have just made that up.
****Dandlebrandon - (n) The infectious disease of the eyebrows, characterized by major vocal frying and extreme insomnia. Not to be confused with Brandledandon.