Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It Gets Cold In Nevada.

Hey everyone. I suppose that first off I owe you an explanation for the soon-to-be discovered randomness of this blog. You see, the class registration here at CCU is much like it was back in DHS, in that on a designated week (this one, to be exact), registraion opens for seniors on Monday, juniors on Tuesday, sophomores on Wednesday, and then we freshman on Thursday. And since it's Wednesday at about 11pm, guess what happens in an hour? Tomorrow! So I'm sitting here in the computer lab reserving my spot for midnight so that I can hit "REGISTER" and be gone. (Hopefully I'll get into all my preffered classes....)

* * * * *

So sitting here trying to kill time pretty much sucks, because I should be sleeping right now. I know this sounds (what's the word you kids are using these days? Oh, yeah) it sounds "lame" of me to be in college and want to be in bed at 11pm. Apparently I'm a pretty "lame" person, then, because I try to at least be in bed by 10pm (prefferably asleep, but sometimes 'in bed' is the best I can do.) You see, I came to the conclusion about a week and a half into college life that staying up until ridiculous hours of the morning is only slightly more cool than it was back in high school, except more annoying the next day because you have to pay for the classes you're sleeping through. I also come to the realization that mornings on a college campus are the most interesting times to be awake, since NO ONE else is. Seriously. People look at me like I just shot the Pope when I mention that I wake up at (gasp) 6:30am.

* * * * *

So apparently there is a widely held misconception among the peoples of the United States regarding the Great State of Nevada. No, I don't mean the correct way to pronounce "Nev-at-uh," but rather the fact that Nevada is Las Vegas. Let me try and explain this; Las Vegas is Nevada, but Nevada is not Vegas. To illustrate, here is a common conversation I find myself having:

Person: "It's getting colder everyday."

Me: "Yeah, bummer... I hate being cold."

Person: "Really? Where are you from?"

Me: "Nevada."

Person: "Oh, that makes sense. It doesn't ever drop below, like, 65 there, does it? I mean, here we get snow in the winter!"

Me: "Actually, every winter I go up an hour from my house and ski in anywhere from 4-15 feet of snow. And sometimes I'll walk outside in January at 12pm only to realize that the temperature just barely made it into the double digits."

I didn't realize I had that much state pride until I came here. I find myself making up stories regarding Nevada's heritage so as to compete with Mr. Florida or Ms. Delaware. (It helps that no one whatsoever knows anything about Nevada.)

Me: "Yeah, well Nevada was actually first declared a 'state' when Space Pirates from somewhere near the surface of the sun buried their gold in the hills of Dayton and Virginia City... which are two of the largest cities in the state, almost as big as Las Vegas."

Person: "Wow, sweet! You should take me to Nev-aw-duh someday!"

* * * * *

Well, I'm getting tired of tapping at the keyboard for now, so I'll wrap it up tonight with one last thought.

It's strange having a birthday here in Colorado. First off, I don't have the resources (namely money), to have an actual birthday 'party,' so instead I'm just going to go to this really fancy resturant and get a free birthday meal... like a true cheapskate! Also, I didn't even realize my birthday was this close until about seven hours ago, when i checked my mail to find a birthday card from my dad. I guess being so far from my old places and routines caused the date to be pushed to the back of my mind. Hmmmm.

Okay, that's all for now... On to Youtube!

-Daniel k