Saturday, August 6, 2011

The List.

My senior year at Colorado Christian University has officially begun. It's been a long and exciting journey, to be honest. I've laughed, I've cried, and I've spent a lot of time doing pointless stuff. Don't get me wrong - I've enjoyed all those trips to Jump Street, getting my Final Fantasy XII characters up to insanely high levels, and spending hours playing Desktop Tower Defense on my computer. But as I look at my calendar and see that I only have nine more months left of college, I start to feel like I'm passing up a very important opportunity.

Not anymore!

I've spent the past few weeks compiling a list of things I want to get done during my final year at CCU. Lucky for you, this is where I'm going to post it and follow up on it. Here's how things will work:

1. I post The List.
2. I start doing things on The List, documenting with photographs as needed.
3. I blog about my experiences and include said pictures.
4. You send me money.*

And so without further adieu, I give you.... The List.

1. Go to the Homecoming Dance
2. Attend the Christmas Tree Lighting**
3. Attend the Christmas Concert
4. Participate in a drama (play or musical)
5. Win money at the Sniagrab
6. Submit a piece of fiction to Paragon***
7. Perform in a "Tuesdays" coffee house
8. Host either O'Malley's or King Cougar
9. Participate in either O'Malley's or King Cougar
10. Spend the night on the roof of the Beckman Center
11. Go on a road trip
12. Play at least one game of every intramural sport
13. Pull an unnecessary all-nighter
14. TBD

As you can see, I am going to leave The List open-ended for now. I'll be adding to it periodically over the next month, as more ideas come to me. Be expecting updates soon!

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

*Non-sequential unmarked bills only, please.
**I have somehow managed to miss this event every single year, despite putting aside time in my schedule to attend.
***The annual student Literary Magazine at CCU.