Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Some Days...

Some days, you just don't feel like doing chemistry.

So you gather a bunch of friends, and start to work.

It's pretty easy to do, really...

...It just takes some seniors, a late-in day, and some creativity...

...And before you know it...

You're saved from having to write those tedius equations!

(It's an added bonus when Mr. Paul doesn't kill you. Or melt it with his rage.)

Don't worry, DHS-goers... there's plenty more where that come from!


Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Dayton Primer.

The ABC's of my life right now:

A is for Awesome Weather, which I am extremely glad has decided to waltz into the Nevada area.

B is for Baskin Robbins, the place where I can't decide whether or not I want to quit for a job closer to home.

C is for Competition, which I'm starting to realize is something I've managed to avoid this school year, and have consequently discovered that I crave it... I see Hans out on the court packin' some fool, and I get this weird sense of jealousy.

D is for Drumming, which is easily the most enjoyable thing I do every Saturday night/Sunday morning.

E is for Everything, an amazing song to have blasting through the speakers in your helmet while riding around in the awesome weather.

F is for Fires, which I both look forward to and am somewhat apprehensive to be fighting this summer.

G is for Gold's Gym, which is a place I've always heard about and just recently discovered where it is. Sneaky gyms...

H is for High School, which I have concluded that I am both over and sick of, and which is only good for drama, learning how to deal with drama, and gaining skills necessary to avoid drama. And it's good for a prank or two.

I is for Ignite, which I will AGAIN miss this year due to the fact that I will be in Napa Valley trying to not die while running vast distances. Curses.

J is for Jesus, Who cannot be expressed in any number words, and yet I find myself trying again and again to do so.

K is for Krueger, (Mrs.) who it turns out is a pretty awesome person. (And a go-to ally in case of a zombie invasion.)

L is for Lame, which is how I rate Mr. Delphin's ideas. All his ideas.

M is for Math, for which I have a whole new attitude. I received a 5 out of 10 on a recent quiz, and upon staring at this little 5 above this little 10 on a little piece of paper in God's huge universe, I concluded that it's not such a big deal.

N is for New Hampshire, the lamest state ever.

O is for Oregon, my objective for Spring Break.

P is for Poogas, the cat we found during our first summer here in Dayton, and who is getting pretty old...

Q is for Queen, who's song Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the best sing-alongs ever.

R is for Running, which I hated up until Junior year, and now it seems I can't get enough of.

S is for Scholarships, those annoyingly necessary applications that I fill out endlessly every lunch period in hopes that some group like the Alabama Association of Young Environmentalists will choose me to give their $500.

T is for Tuition, the curse of many-a-senior.

U is for University, that 10 letter word I can't get enough of.

V is for Victor Frankenstein, who apparently gets deathly ill anytime something dramatic happens, much to the annoyance of the reader, AKA me.

W is for Weiner Schnitzel, which (by unanimous decision) will now be called Weiner Snatcher.

X isn't for anything.

Y is for Graduation, which I absolutely cannot wait for (or decide on a prank for. Funny how that works out.)

Z is for Zildjian, the brand of cymbals I wish I had enough money to afford more of.

And there you have it. I'll post a blog sometime soon with a full breakdown and wrap-up of the Mr. Paul prank.

Till then!
