Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Dayton Primer.

The ABC's of my life right now:

A is for Awesome Weather, which I am extremely glad has decided to waltz into the Nevada area.

B is for Baskin Robbins, the place where I can't decide whether or not I want to quit for a job closer to home.

C is for Competition, which I'm starting to realize is something I've managed to avoid this school year, and have consequently discovered that I crave it... I see Hans out on the court packin' some fool, and I get this weird sense of jealousy.

D is for Drumming, which is easily the most enjoyable thing I do every Saturday night/Sunday morning.

E is for Everything, an amazing song to have blasting through the speakers in your helmet while riding around in the awesome weather.

F is for Fires, which I both look forward to and am somewhat apprehensive to be fighting this summer.

G is for Gold's Gym, which is a place I've always heard about and just recently discovered where it is. Sneaky gyms...

H is for High School, which I have concluded that I am both over and sick of, and which is only good for drama, learning how to deal with drama, and gaining skills necessary to avoid drama. And it's good for a prank or two.

I is for Ignite, which I will AGAIN miss this year due to the fact that I will be in Napa Valley trying to not die while running vast distances. Curses.

J is for Jesus, Who cannot be expressed in any number words, and yet I find myself trying again and again to do so.

K is for Krueger, (Mrs.) who it turns out is a pretty awesome person. (And a go-to ally in case of a zombie invasion.)

L is for Lame, which is how I rate Mr. Delphin's ideas. All his ideas.

M is for Math, for which I have a whole new attitude. I received a 5 out of 10 on a recent quiz, and upon staring at this little 5 above this little 10 on a little piece of paper in God's huge universe, I concluded that it's not such a big deal.

N is for New Hampshire, the lamest state ever.

O is for Oregon, my objective for Spring Break.

P is for Poogas, the cat we found during our first summer here in Dayton, and who is getting pretty old...

Q is for Queen, who's song Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the best sing-alongs ever.

R is for Running, which I hated up until Junior year, and now it seems I can't get enough of.

S is for Scholarships, those annoyingly necessary applications that I fill out endlessly every lunch period in hopes that some group like the Alabama Association of Young Environmentalists will choose me to give their $500.

T is for Tuition, the curse of many-a-senior.

U is for University, that 10 letter word I can't get enough of.

V is for Victor Frankenstein, who apparently gets deathly ill anytime something dramatic happens, much to the annoyance of the reader, AKA me.

W is for Weiner Schnitzel, which (by unanimous decision) will now be called Weiner Snatcher.

X isn't for anything.

Y is for Graduation, which I absolutely cannot wait for (or decide on a prank for. Funny how that works out.)

Z is for Zildjian, the brand of cymbals I wish I had enough money to afford more of.

And there you have it. I'll post a blog sometime soon with a full breakdown and wrap-up of the Mr. Paul prank.

Till then!


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