Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gettin' Freaky.

I'm not gunna lie, working from 8am to 6pm in at least 80 degree weather with long sleeves, pants, a helmet and a 40lb backpack on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday isn't exactly what I had in mind for my senior summer.

...Then again, I never imagined $4.25 for a gallon of freakin' gasoline or $15,000 for a semester of college, either.

Hmmmm. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm pretty freaked out right now. Yet I can't help but feel that the term "freaked out" doesn't fully illustrate my state of mind.

Let me explain. Right now, I'm...
frustrated with how much EVERYTHING costs,
afraid that I won't be able to keep out of debt for my first year of college,
physically tired pretty much every day due to my crazy job,
scared that I'm not focusing enough time on my spirituality,
feeling guilty because I feel like I'm blowing off my Dayton Friends to spend time with my Minden friends, yet not even spending adequate time with said Minden friends,
falling behind on my daily Bible reading,
out of money until my first paycheck comes next week,
worried because my first paycheck will have to go towards my car, dirt bike, Worldvision, gas and food, and therefore leave little for college savings.

So the closest thing I can come to summing that all up is "freaked out."

Now. Whenever I write a blog similar to this, I try to end on a high note so as to not deter my avid readers from returning because they think I'm too whiny.

Consequently, do I have any avid readers?

1 comment:

loveridefree said...

I dont know about avid reading but I keep up with the times, in the words of Bob Marley "Don't worry, because every little thing is gonna be alright".