Monday, July 7, 2008

Under My Skin.

I'm watching a re-run of the Daily Show and Jon Stewart is covering the legalization of gay marriage in California. In true worldly fashion, he's popping a few jokes about how God hasn't destroyed California yet. I'm not gunna lie, that's kinda annoying.

But what happens next REALLY gets under my skin. As he's talking about gay marriage, they roll footage shot at the California Supreme Court building right after the decision was made. There are hundreds if not thousands of protesters, and the ones in the front of the shot are holding signs with things like, "God Hates Fags!" or "Gays Will Burn."

Okay. These are "Christians" out there, waving signs around like that?! Are you flippin' kidding me?! People like that get me angry beyond belief.

Now I'm not going to argue that gay marriage is alright... it DOES say in the Bible that God views that as "detestable." But you know what else God doesn't like? Hypocrites. Liars. Sexually immoral people. Murderers. Thieves. Yes, homosexuality is a sin. But it's no more of a sin than sex before marriage, which I'm willing to bet that, given American culture today, a LOT of the people out there protesting have done.

Where are the signs saying "Save Yourself For Marriage!" or "Don't Cheat On Your Wife!" Where are the protesters waving banners that read, "God Forgives" or "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" or "God Came To Earth To Die For Our Iniquities." Those things are more needed right now, because Scripture tells us that there is NOTHING in this world or any other that can separate us from the love of God. This means that even the most hideous, evil, sick individual on this planet is not beyond the Love that is in Christ Jesus.

Jesus dares he who is without sin to cast the first stone. Where are those signs?

"Christians" out there who sport banners of "God Hates Fags" should calm the deuce down and crack open a Bible. They might learn something.

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