Wednesday, December 31, 2008

And A Happy New Year.

I've been thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that 2008 has officially obtained a bad rep.  It's kinda sad, really.  I mean, I'd be pretty cheesed if I was a year and my overall outcome was determined by the results of a bunch of old, wealthy, greedy dudes trading stocks and failing at said activity.  Bummer, right?

In other news, it's almost 2009.  If I recall correctly, I made a post on the advent of 2008 talking about how it's pretty strange that the new year occurs within the time span between 11:59 PM and 12:00 AM, and decided that the new year process would take place all year long, as this was more fitting.  Well, the process is almost over!  (And for the record, I liked that way of looking at it much better.)

Anyway, I'm sitting here on Hans' couch listening to John, Emily, and Mike talk.  I think it's been a pretty good year, really.  I've made plenty of mistakes, I've gotten a lot of people mad at me, I've failed miserably at tons of stuff, and I've even managed to go $3500 into debt.

Yet the God of the universe looks down on me - a sinner, condemned, unclean - and pardons me.  He welcomes me into His presence with open arms, picking me up when I fail and separating me from my sins as far as the east is from the west.

All the times I sucked through this year, He told me otherwise.  All the times I wanted to call it quits, he slapped me upside the head and told me to focus.  All the times I messed up, He made the filth into a miracle.  It's mind-blowing, really.

And now, I'm about to see in a whole new year full of the same things.  I'm about to enjoy a year of God's mercy and grace, His genius plan and unbeatable timing.  I get to live out 365 more days on this earth, caught up in the wonder of life with Jesus as my Savior.*

I guess that what I'm trying to say is that it's been a very good year.  Go 2009.

-Daniel K

*And even if I die, I get to go hang out with Jesus in person.  Score.

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