Friday, September 16, 2011

The First Update

Greetings from Denver!

Things have been clipping right along here in the Mile High City. I sit in a Starbucks, gazing out the window when I pause to think, and see the sure-fire signs of Fall. People walking around in sweaters. Leaves losing their glowing green hue and shifting slowly into yellow. A coolness in the air. And of course, pumpkin spice lattes advertised on the window spread.

By now, you're all probably wondering to yourselves, "that's great Daniel, but what have you been up to?" Well, thanks for the interest. Let me give you an update.

As you may recall (and if not, please scroll down below this post and familiarize yourself with the one which precedes it), I have set forth a List of Things to Do during my fourth and final year at CCU. The good news: I have been slowly shipping away at them. The bad news: I don't know where my freakin' camera battery is. I originally intended to have photographic evidence of my adventures, both for entertainment now and for "oh, those were the days" moments later on in life. Alas, in true Daniel fashion, I have misplaced the battery and charger to my digital camera. I have no doubt that it will turn up eventually, but until then, I'll have to paint you some word pictures.

First off, I spent the week before last camped out on the corner of 10th and Broadway downtown, with the number "36" scrawled in red Sharpie on my right hand. That's right - I attended the Sniagrab. Some friends and I went down to the all-too-familiar street corner on a Monday night and checked in. As previously mentioned, I ended up being number 36 in line, which is a personal record.* I would go to class and/or work during the day, then load up my sleeping bag and head downtown for the night.

And so it went. Monday night. Tuesday night. Wednesday night. Thursday night. Friday night. I stayed up pretty late on Friday, visit the 16th Street Mall and eating Big Fish burritos from Illegal Pete's. At 2am when the bars let out, I sat with some Ghetto guys on a low wall and watched the spectacle. Drunk bros punching each other in the arm, drunk girls tripping over their high heels, etc. Some classic entertainment. At 6am the next morning, we packed up our tents, drank some free coffee** and then waited eagerly for our gift cards.

At 8:30, the staff rolled through the line, handing out the coveted "Bonus Bucks" cards. I received mine with a nod and smile, storing the $100 business card in my pocket. At 9am when the doors opened, I flooded in with my friends and began snatching up the deals. In the end, I didn't walk away with very many things. Freshman year I secured gloves, socks, sunglasses, a helmet, and some headphones. This year I walked out with a Winchester sheath knife, a Camelback backpack, and a pair of gloves. For a grand total of 11 cents. Booyah.

I went home and scratched "Win Money at the Sniagrab" off of my list.

Next up, you may ask? Excellent question. I am rehearsing for the school play currently,*** planning an unnecessary all-nighter to knock out some projects that are due in October, and looking to get an act together for King Cougar. Hopefully I'll get my camera up and running by then. Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

*I believe I was 60-something my freshman year.
**Compliments of Sports Authority
***And I may do the musical in the Spring, being as I ended up with a very minor part this time around

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