Thursday, May 14, 2009

Door-to-Door Observations.

As I'm pretty sure a lot of you already know, I am currently employed for the summer by Environment Colorado, a group currently working to triple the amount of electricity Colorado gets from solar panels. It's interesting work. I mean, the "meat and potatoes" of my work is canvassing, meaning I'm that guy who knocks on your door in the middle of dinner and asks you to be interested in something you're not.*

That being said, it's actually been really enlightening for me over these past couple of days. Such a different environment and focus has shifted my thoughts to things I haven't ever really paid attention to before. For example;

1.) I spend a HUGE amount of my time trying to get other people to like me. I didn't notice this until people started immediately DISliking me upon seeing me. I was getting really stressed out today when so many people made a snide remark and shut the door while I was talking, and I finally realized it's because it's so opposite to what I usually aim for. When meeting new people, I always want to do whatever it takes to impress them or interest them. So having a lot** of people see me and immediately put on that "shut up and leave" face kinda gets to me. I wonder why I spend so much time getting others to like me...?

2.) When I own a house here in America,*** I'm going to be really nice to whoever comes to my door. No, seriously... really nice. I don't care if they're selling something, campaigning, or trying to convert me to Neo-Buddhist Islam. I'm going to treat them like they are a person who deserves respect. I didn't think about this until I had a guy take one look at me, flip me off, and slam the door. Groovy.

3.) Apparently no one spends the night in their own house anymore. I'll talk to someone and they'll say, "I can't really talk right now, it's a bad time." I'll ask if I can come back later and they'll respond, "probably not. We're going out tonight."**** I understand if you don't care about solar power, just let me know.

4.) You can really see the isolation of Americans by walking around neighborhoods. Everyone has fences, multiple locks, warning signs, peepholes, intercoms, and all avoid eye contact with one another. It's sad, really.

5.) Diction is EVERYTHING. It's not a monthly paymentt plan, it's a monthly giving plan. You don't say, "Why don't you take a look at this, it's our statement of support," you say, "Here, look at this. It's our statement of support."

6.) 'Christians' who decorate their entryway with "God Bless America" and "As for me and my house, we will follow the LORD" paraphernalia should act as if they actually believe this. Despite my Environment Colorado shirt and clipboard, I'm actually a person on the inside.

Thanks for reading and I'll be coming soon to a door near you,*****

-Daniel K

*Despite my tone here, It's pretty good work in reality. I'm just being real with everyone.
**And I mean A LOT
***Which may be unlikely if I plan to live somewhere oversees, like in a third world country. Or on Mars.
****Seriously. Out of the 56 people I talked to today, about 8 of them said that exact phrase.
*****That is, if you live in the Denver area.

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