Monday, May 4, 2009

Twists and Turns.

Okay all you avid readers out there. Here's the latest:

I was talking one day with my good friend Mingy, who's going to college in Salem, Oregon. I mentioned to her that I may be out of the fire crew job this summer* and she mentioned that I should get a job with Fund for the Public Interest, which is an environmental group with branches in a lot of states. I went to their website (, if anyone is curious,) and applied for a position in Portland (where Mingy is working,) in addition to one here in Denver. The next day, I received a call from the Denver office asking for an interview. I went in earlier today, talked with RJ the supervisor, and he was really excited to offer me the position.** In fact he said that I'll be hired on as a regular 'ol canvasser, but immediately be placed in training to become a field manager. Sweet!

So for everyone freaking out to know, the job pays anywhere from $400 to $600 per 40-hour workweek for a canvasser, and $450 to $650 per week for field managers. The pay is based on a $7.28/hour guaranteed rate, and then 45% of anything over $100 you raise per day.

Sounds pretty sweet, right? But I know what you're thinking - "Daniel, wherever will you stay in Denver? You'll have to pay rent, which means you won't get nearly as much to save for school as you need!"

Yet I say unto you; "Do not fret! For God is awesome and provides for us in sweet ways!" Example: My RA, Nick, roomed with this guy named Ken Love*** last year. Now it just so happens that K-Love works at a hotel not too far from campus, and they're letting him stay in a 3-bedroom, 6-bed suite FOR FREE over the summer. He only has three other roommates, so I asked him today if I could tag along, and he said yes!

But wait! There's more! You may remember some earlier posts I did regarding the strange phenomenon that happens downtown when I play rhythms on a bucket. My plan: direct deposit all my money from Environment Colorado, then use money raised from playing downtown (average of $60 per night,) to cover other expenses such as food, gas, and bicycle maintenance.

So basically, within the past 48 hours, God's gotten me hired onto a sweet job, a free apartment for the summer, and even a plan to cover the other crud that doesn't really matter.

What the heck?! Two days ago I was planning on road tripping back to Nevada and begging the fire guys to let me onto their crew. Talk about twists and turns!

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

P.S. In case you're wondering, I am extremely bummed that I won't get to chill with Hans, the Johns, Mom, Dad, Jake, and Sarah this summer. That's the one thing that sucks REALLY BAD about all of this. But I will still be there for graduation, Sarah. And I may even wear clothes to it.

*I hope everyone reading this blog is caught up on all that. If not, the basics are as follows: Since I am in Colorado, I could not make it back to Nevada to take the drug test or pack test to get back on the crew, so they stuck me on the wait list until further notice... along with the other 100+ applicants they had this year. Never mind seniority. So I would have to wait until someone quit/got fired to get a spot. Did I mention there's over 100 applicants?
**Based on my involvement on campus and my philosophy on apathetic Americans.
***Yeah... that's really his name. Awesome!

1 comment:

Sarah! said...

Clothes are over raded, Pull a Josh and dont wear any clothes only a robe!