Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Many Faces.

Today at work, I found myself scooping ice cream with some fine coworkers and serving it up for the low, low price of $1.07.*  After giving a falsetto rendition of a customer's order, I was compared by a coworker to his "crazy uncle."

This comment got me thinking.  Over the years, I've been compared to a lot of people.  I thought I'd give you the highlights.**

People I've been compared to:

Kramer from "Sienfeld"
One of my roommates dubbed me this after the third consecutive time I burst into our apartment wild-eyed and launched into a comical anecdote.

Michael "Goob" Yagoobian, from "Meet The Robinsons"
Well, I guess I do have a tendency to creep around and speak in ominous dramatic statements.... (And we both suck at baseball.)

A Dinosaur.
More like you're a dinosaur.

Sid from "Toy Story"
This epithet dates back to my days in Latchkey, when I used to show up over the summer with a magnifying glass and some GI Joes.

Probably one of my favorites, as I easily relate to the whole slipping-in-the-bathroom-and-making-genius-discoveries business.

Kaa from "The Jungle Book"
Okay, so once or twice throughout the school year I lured someone into a trap by coaxing, "trust in me.... trussssssst in meeeeeeee."

A Kid in need of Rittalin
Yes, thank you Hans.

Donald Miller
Probably the greatest human to be compared to, a friend made this comparison after reading this very blog.  Score!

If your favorite didn't make it on here, please let me know.  Thanks to everyone and your incredible powers of comparison.

Thanks for reading***

-Daniel K

*Can I get a "Dolla Scoop Night?!"
**Or, rather, the ones I can remember.
***And perhaps contributing to this vast collection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, as your mother, I can compare you to a lot of people/animals ... give me a day to sort through the frazzled remants of my memory ...