Sunday, August 9, 2009

Here and Now.

Hello to everyone out there diligently reading this blog. I would like to officially welcome you to my 100th (published) post! Since it's been almost exactly two years since I started blogging, I thought I would dedicate this blog to giving everyone a little snapshot of my life in the here and now.

First off, I am back in Denver and about to start gearing up for the 2009 Fall semester at Colorado Christian University. I am looking forward to another year of activities, adventures, and learning. I will be living back in the Ghetto, the same freshman stairwell I was in last year. This time around, however, I will be an RAR (that is, a Resident Assistant's Roommate) living with the RA of the Ghetto and helping run activities and events throughout the year.

In addition to being an RAR, I am on the Weekend of Welcome (WoW) committee. Hence why I am here so early.* Planning WoW has been a lot of fun and a lot of work... two of my favorite things. The other committee members and I will meet tomorrow to start finalizing all of the events and times, and then begin executing them accordingly. This year's orientation weekend is going to be excellent!

The leadership seminars and other such crud will begin on August 14th, which I will also be attending due to my involvement in the Resident Housing Association (RHA) and the Discipleship Program (I'll be a D-Group Leader.) Once all of that is over, classes will start and I'll be back in action as far as school goes. For RHA, I will be the Director of Freshman Communities. This means I will gather representatives from the freshmen stairwells to help plan all-freshman activities, let the freshmen class's voice be heard around campus, and help unite the stairwells into one large community. As I also mentioned, I'll be a D-Group leader for the fall semester, meaning I will lead a group of 6 to 8 freshman guys in a Bible study every week until Christmas. I don't want to reveal anything yet in case word gets out, but suffice to say that I've got some SWEET stuff planned for my group.

On the academic side of things, I've unofficially** decided to major in Global Studies (AKA International Studies) and I know what you're thinking: "What will you do with that degree?" Forgive me for answering your question with another question, but why are you asking? I think what you do is superfluous in comparison to who you are. Secondly, I don't know what I want to do. All I know is that I took a few global studies classes last semester and I really liked them (and the professors) so I want to study what I love while I'm here. Vocation can come later.

Along with that, I am considering a double-major in English or Communication... meaning I'll either be a Global Studies/English major or a Global Studies/Communication major. I haven't decided which one yet but, much like Global Studies, I enjoy learning about both of them and as such desire to major in one. I suppose there is the third option of graduating early, which is completely doable given the AP credits I came in with.*** I just don't know if I want to rush the the most amazing time of my life.****

As far as off-campus activities go, I am still involved with my church, Light and Life Community Church. I am the youth intern and as such I help run the weekly youth group services, play in the worship band, lead a freshman boys' small group, and shoot videos to be used in messages. I absolutely love helping out, and I'm really looking forward to this coming year, when I start in with the freshman guys and continue with playing the drums.

In the realm of employment, I am pleading the fifth. Although I do still have a sweet gig downtown every weekend involving a bucket and some drum sticks.

I believe that about sums everything up. Life was pretty slow over the summer - a lot^ of time to relax and chill out - which is something I've never particularly liked or enjoyed. Yet it was really awesome to get to see all my friends and family. All in all, I'm happy I went back to my old stomping grounds for a few weeks, and I'm also happy to return to Colorado.

I'll be keeping you all up to date on my school-time activities in the weeks to come.

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

*Classes don't start until the 24th of August.
**I say "unofficially" because I have yet to declare a major with my academic advisor in anything.
***Something to the tune of 'a whole semester's worth of credits.'
****Have I mentioned I love college?
^Perhaps too much?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does "personal enjoyment" including jumping from a certain bridge into a certain river into certain man-made rapids? Just wondering ....