Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wait, wait! Let me explain!

She made me do it! She forced me to, with her newly-acquired college attributes and whatnot! It wasn't me, I swear! She made, she made me, she made me!!! (Though I can't say I'm not a tad bit excited she did.) Yes, most of you can probably guess who I'm talking about right now. She started her blog and then threatened me with many chokeholds, prison shanks and phone conversations* that she wouldn't continue hers unless I started mine. She's tricksy that way :)

So here I am, trying to think about what to write... Okay, enough thinking.

Today I ran cross country and then drove as fast as my mobile would go back to my house for a quick shower before heading into Reno. (My bad if anyone, I dunno, was trying to, like, talk to me on the phone or anything as I went up Six Mile, because it didn't work quite as I planned...)

In Reno, I visted Prestige Portraits and got my senior pictures taken. What!? Senior pictures!? Dude, five and a half weeks ago I was getting my freshman band pictures taken!** Wow, it's hard to come to terms with the fact that we've got one more year left at Dayton High... and harder not be elated by this realization. Oh, and as it happens, photo shoots are ridiculously awkward. I was in this darkened room with a spotlight on me as I contorted my body into crazy shapes while trying to shift from smiling to seriousness on a regular basis. Apparently not one of my fortes. But the craziest thing about it all was that afterwards when I viewed the pictures, I looked like I was in totally natural, casual poses. Weird.

Anyway, Next I decided to kill some time and visit Freedom Riders of Reno, AKA the Triumph dealership. Turns out I'm looking into buying a new motorcycle helmet. Mine's kinda old and gross, plus I'm looking for one that I can hook up my delicious iPod to and then rock out to Relient K or Chris Tomlin as I'm flying low through Washoe Valley. The helmets themselves run from $250 to $350, and then the speaker system is about another $100 to $150, so I've got some saving up to do, I guess. But it'll be pretty sweet when (if) I get it!

Then I met my good friend Robbie at Red's 395 Grill and we talked over lunch for about and hour and a half about God, humans, and everything in between... (ie a lot.)

Well, there it is - my incredibly interesting day*** as of about an hour ago. I think next I'm going into Carson again to pick up Relient K's CD, "Five Score and Seven Years Ago." (I'm sure Stephanie'll be thrilled,) then introducing myself to my new neighbors and getting to bed early for the first time in about a week.

Farewell for now!


Daniel K

*She actually only used on of these methods... You guess which.
**It wasn't actually five and a half weeks ago. I may have told a falsehood.
***I realize that it was neither incredible nor interesting.

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