Sunday, December 2, 2007

Next Step: Tuition.

Hello once again to my avid collection of readers! It's been a totally tubular past week or so, and I thought I'd let you all in on what's been stewin'.

First off: I've been accepted into CCU! The enrollment counselor called me up on my way out of Academic Team practice (I'm a cool kid,) on Thursday and congratulated me on my acceptance. She asked if I was considering other colleges as well, and I said "yes," just to.... well, I dunno why. I guess I just wanted to make it sound like I'm on top of things. In reality, I'm 99.99% sure I'm going to Lakewood, Colorado next fall. Everything about the school's been picked over by Mrs. Krueger, Mr. Rohrer, mom, dad, and I. I think it's going to be super sweet. No idea what I'm going to major in, but English (emphasis on creative writing,) business, Spanish, leadership, Biblical studies, and music all interest me... We'll see where God takes me!

Second, last night at Crave was awesome! We played a set consisting of Your Grace Is Enough, Salvation Is Here, and We Are Hungry, which are three of my all-time favorite worship songs. On top of that, it was the music video awards night so the room was packed! It was almost like we were at a REAL gig! (Except we didn't get paid. At least not in money...) AND, Hans came with me! It was awesome. And he wasn't super freaked out or anything afterwards (hmmm, go figure... Christians know how to have fun, too! Hahaha.)

Well, I thought I had more exciting tales of bone-crushing defeat or exhilarating triumph, but I guess not. Other than those two things, life is normal (alas, I have a dirty calculus test tomorrow.) So I guess I'll bring this blog to a close.

Thanks for reading!


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