Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Words of Wisdom?

So every year in the DHS yearbook, they put up the seniors' pictures along with a little submitted blurb. Well, we received the "submitted blurb" paper a while back, and I've been brooding on what to say. They have two categories - what do you want to be remembered by, or what advice would you give underclassmen.

Well, seeing as my most stunning accomplishment at DHS has been encasing Mr. Handley's stapler in Jell-O, I couldn't think of anything spectacular to put for the first subject (although "Daniel will always be remembered for his frequent tripping over desks and competitive math tendencies" has its merits.)

So I decided on the "what advice would you give to upcoming underclassmen" prompt, and here's what I've come up with:

"High school, in order to be relevant as well as educational, requires more that what is taught in the curriculum. Therefore, never be afraid to seek out the Truth, always remember your sense of humor, and know that no matter how bad things seem, faith will never fail to pull you through."

It's a bit wordy (they suggest 25-30 words, this one's about 52.) But I think it sounds pretty cool... How about you?

Let me know what you think!


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