Tuesday, December 11, 2007

In Which Daniel Informs His Avid Readers Of The Comings And Goings Of His Life.

(How's that for a prestigious title? Sometimes I impress even myself!)

Well, sorry for the phase of not writing... or the "Not writing phase," as you may call it. Your choice.

At any rate, I've been avoiding the blog for some time now (travelling only by day and keeping off the roads.) And come to think of it, I don't exactly have a reason why. I mean sure, tons of bloggable (if that's not a word then it should be) stuff has been going on recently - running with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Logan, Academic Team, Work, Band, and the usual lot. I just haven't felt overly compelled to sit down and type. Which is strange, especially for me. In fact, the only thing that brought me to the keyboard this very cold December afternoon was the title of this blog - I've been ripening it in the far reaches of my brain for some time now.*

I could have written an enthralling blog accounting the "D-loop" run during which we three brave runners almost fell victim to the hideous deeds of Old Man Winter (and his close friend, Good Sir Mud Puddle.) Or a captivating tale of the ginormisosity** of this year's Academic Team. Or my strange new affection for thick socks and Corn Nuts.***

Yeah, I could have written a blog about the super-coldness of Dayton and how my windows actually froze shut because of it. Maybe even about my starting to save up for college and apply for several dozen scholarships (I never knew I'd get so interested in global warming or the Holocaust... what won't a student do for money?) I could also have written on how I forgot that I absolutely adore Christmas Music, or how I stumbled across the miracle that is "Pilgrim Radio," or about how my car ran out of gas (again) the other day and I had to wrestle a gas station attendant into letting me fill up my container and then run across Highway 50 in negative ten billion degree weather to deposit the smelly stuff into my gas tank.

Ooh, or I could have blogged on how Christmas shopping gets trickier every year due to the fact that you have to buy things with your own hard-earned money (literally "hard earned" for me... Mint Chocolate Chip has roughly the consistency of cement mixed with diamonds.) Or about Guitar Center's fabled drum room, in which you can play the electric drums with friends until the salespeople catch on and give you the boot. Or maybe about how I won over the entire staff of DHS, resulting in them voting me for Student of the Month?****

Yeah, by why in the world would I blog about any of those things?



*And by "for some time now," I actually mean "on the drive home from school today."
**pronounced "jiy-nor-muss-sauce-it-ty"
***It's like a megadef score when I get both at once...
****That story is a lot less cool then I let off. And nerdy.

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