Friday, August 22, 2008


I live in the Ghetto.  I don't own a car, but even the people in the dorms on the other end of campus have started calling me "the motorcycle guy."  I'm in The Brotherhood.  I just got back from a midnight Slurpee run to 7-11 with about 600 other freshmen.

College.  I live in a place where the rules and regulations are made up on the spot by me and three other dudes.  We don' have a TV but we have five computers between the four of us.  We have a huge banner depicting Bob Marley playing the guitar hanging above Mike's guitars and to the side of my drums.

Our resident advisor, Nick, has dreadlocks held back by a bandana who speaks into a bullhorn 90% if the time and says things like, "do that again and you'll get booshed in the nuts."  Our first assignment in the Ghetto is to buy a classy jacket from a local thrift store to make the ladies attracted to us.

Oh, and I picked a winner as far as dorms go... ours is the Ghetto stairwell, a group steeped in legend and greatness.  For instance, we host GDP's (Ghetto Dance Parties) for the entire student body and usually have a turnout well into the hundreds.  On top of that, the Ghetto composes the Brotherhood, a historically tight group of guys who are real with each other and bent on discovering God's will.

Here's an excerpt or two from the "Ghetto Dictionary," which was given to us on the first day:

Boosh- A term expressing any sort of high impact from one object to another.
Dome Piece- Any area of the head, including forehead, facial area or skull.
Holla- An expression of extreme joy, often following a given statement or proposition.

Good stuff, lemme tell you.  It's been a blast so far, and the future looks good as well.


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