Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My current favorite...

Song: "How He Loves," by John Mark McMillan

Book: "Sophie's World," by Jostein Gaarner

Class: Philosophy, with Professor DeVore

Place: The Ghetto (the stairwell, mind you)

Activity: Biking to downtown and sightseeing from high places

Food: Dill Pickle flavored sunflower seeds (I know... weird, right?)

Drink: Dr. Dew. (Half Dr. Pepper, half Mountain Dew, courtesy of Dan the Man)

Movie: Watchmen

Passage in Scripture: 2 Chronicles 32:20-21

Time of the day: 5:30PM, when I go to dinner with the Ghetto

Time of the week: It's a tie between Wednesday nights when I get to meet with my Junior High Boys' small group and Tuesday nights when we have Stiz Tiz*

Person to randomly talk to: Tiffany Harris

Person to hang out with: Scott Bollen

Person to be challenged by: Cooper Pasque

Memory from this semester: When we snuck into the library and spent the night masquerading around with Nerf guns and All-Campus Communion to kick off Spiritual Emphasis Week

Discovery: That people will give you lots of money if you can entertain them with a bucket and some drumsticks

Thought: 1 John 4:4

Thing to do when bored: Write in my blog or play Desktop Tower Defense**

Professor: A tie between the aforementioned Professor DeVore and Dr. Buzzel

TV Show: Pshh, TV?

Band: Caedmon's Call

Phrase: "What the (insert applicable word here)!"***

Game: Running Man

Feeling: When I get a big essay done on time (only four more left this semester!)

Sound: Thunder

Smell: Incense (any kind, really...)

Time to do homework: When I'm 'working' at the Admissions Office

Time to end this blog: Now

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

*Stiz Tiz is our weekly stairwell meeting where we share stories and get announcements and such
**Super addicting and fun... Google it sometime and give it a whirl
***Examples include: "What the heck!" when frustrated, "What the text!" when perplexed by a text message, or even "What the prank!" when you realize you've been had.


Devin said...

1 Corinthians 9:24

Anonymous said...

Two comments, really .... since when did you start drinking soda ... what's next? Beer?

And ... nerf guns in the LIBRARY! Didn't your mother teach you only to play tag in the library?

Anonymous said...

Daniel drinking soda !!!! No wonder it snowed in April !!!