Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm Wondering...

I was just on craigslist looking for cheap places to stay in Denver,* and I saw something that makes me wonder. I entered a minimum rent of $0 and a maximum rent of $300. Scanning through the results, I saw several ads labeled, "$127/Mo., Sober Housing." I thought to myself, 'Well, I'm a pretty sober guy, that sounds perfect!'

When I checked it out, however, I saw that it's actually housing for people recovering from alcohol or other drugs. For $127/Month they can stay at these places, whereas all the other places were well over $300. I made the comment, "This is so dumb! They shouldn't be rewarded for messing up!" My room mate called me on it, saying I was being really judgmental.

So I'm wondering... what do you think? Is it being judgmental to be upset at that?

I heard a story a while ago about a man who defaulted on his home loan. He saw an ad, however, for a better loan - one with a LOT lower interest and better payment plans. He told a friend about it, but when his friend applied, they denied him because he hadn't defaulted on any loans. "So basically," the man's friend said, "I couldn't get the loan because I had been responsible and had faithfully paid off my own loan. Whereas this guy was able to get it because he had gotten in over his head, messed up, and had to bail."

I'm really torn here. I mean, it seems SO unjust to reward people for making dumb mistakes, you know? For example, I don't support the bailout because it sends the message that "if you mess up, we'll just bail you out! So do whatever!" Now don't get me wrong - I'm not saying there should be no grace. God knows I would be messed over if He didn't show me grace. But we can redeem mistakes without condoning them. And I kinda think that the $127/Mo rent sends the message, "because you messed up, we'll reward you!"

Shouldn't they offer cheaper places to stay for college students who are working their butts off to learn? Yet now I think I'm being prideful. Uhg.

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

*Don't freak out... merely a precaution.


Anonymous said...

Not judgmental at all!

PS- I love your playlist, especially since it starts with "On the Radio" and I've been listening to that religiously these past few days.

Anonymous said...

I don't see it as a reward. I think it's more for those people who realize that they've screwed up and want to do better. It's for people who have messed their lives up but are trying to get them turned around. Oftentimes, people like this can't really afford to pay more. So it's not a reward, it's somebody trying to give them another chance.

Tom Scott said...

The current ruling generation is signing a blank check to themselves from future generations without regard to the cost it will place upon them; as they go against the fundamental principals of capitalism by buying the car manufactures, and the bank.