Monday, May 11, 2009


The Commissioner
Came into my ownership: May 2008
Was callously stolen from me: May 2009

Sometimes I can really relate to Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof when he says, "Dear God. Was that necessary? Did you have to make him [Tevye's horse] lame just before the Sabbath? That wasn't nice. [...] Really, sometimes I think, when things are too quiet up there, you say to yourself, 'Let's see. What kind of mischief can I play on my friend, Tevye?' "

I know we won't always (or even most of the time) understand why God does what He does. I mean, after a while of God's plans mystifying, confusing, and frustrating me, you'd think I'd be used to their nature. Yet when we drove up from a day in the field* and I saw my lock sitting on the ground, sans bike, I couldn't help but think, "Really, God? That wasn't very nice."

Now I realize that the Commissioner wasn't exactly the most expensive or classy bike out there, but what made this theft even more of a supreme bummer was the fact that I had just ("Just" as in "8 ours before") paid $107 to get new wheels and tubes installed on it.

Yet as I waited for my ride to show up, I couldn't help but be thankful that God is a God to Whom we can take our emotions to - all our emotions. He isn't a God who only accepts happiness and smiles. He's a God I can be real with and say, "Seriously? what the heck!"

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

*Oh yeah, work is really great in case anyone's wondering. I'm excited for it.


Sarah! said...

Poor little bikey poo! I read your favy quote very funny! Mine is (Jones and I are at Jamies house)
(jones) What time is it?
(us) nine.
(long long pause)
(jones) Wasn't it 8 like an hour ago?
(me) Really Sarah... Really?

Sarah! said...

Wait, so out of all thoes bikes, they only stole yours? Is this a sick joke someone is playing like when those one guys hid all the bikes under the girls stairway.

Daniel said...

Haha, no... that's just the only picture of my bike I have. It was chained up outside the office I work at.