Friday, August 17, 2007

Round two.

Sweet, I'm back in blogging action!

Well, yesterday after my last entry I did indeed head into Carson to pick up "Five Score and Seven Years Ago." John and Hans accompanied me, and then we spent some time goofing off around Wal Mart before heading home. "Five Score" is an awesome CD, and I highly reccomend it. So for my favorite song is "Must Have Done Something Right."

After that I had a long-awaited phone conversation with Stephanie*, then I went back to the old house (AKA The one with this computer still in it,) and AIM'ed until my family got home from Six Flags.

What an ordeal that was... Turns out my mom told me last week that we were doing a lot of the heavy-duty moving "this weekend." She didn't specify which day/time/anything, so I went about scheduling as normal... As it stands, I don't have any time before 9:30pm on Saturday, which is the day we're hauling all the furniture and stuff over. So when mom found out, she more or less got super pissed at me. Whatever.

Sometimes I just don't understand why God puts all of this junk into my life. Why three of my best friends in the world are moving/have moved away, why Mom and Dad split up, why we're moving again. I think that's a problem a lot of people struggle with. After another conversation with Stephanie, I sat down in my room and thought through my week at Hume this Summer. I remember one day in particular, where Steve talked about how we should not worship God purely because of situational things (like families or cars or jobs or anything material,) but rather we should worship Him because He is our Savior, our King, and our Lord.

Tell you the truth, that was kinda eye-opening. I was frustrated because things weren't going my way? What? How childish is that? I felt ridiculous. I looked through my Bible, reading about all these disciples or prophets who suffered immensly more than I have, and yet were still dancing because of God's great mercy. Ouch. So I prayed to God, worshipping Him because He is everlasting, neverending, all-knowing and all-powerful. I concentrated on worshipping Him because of who He is, rather on what He's given me. And it felt... right. It was strange, because thanking Him for giving me things doesn't feel wrong, but thanking Him for being who He is feels right. Maybe that just reaffirms that fact that it's awesome to thank God for giving me stuff like amazing friends or an iPod or a motorcycle, but that shouldn't be the end of my worship, or even the majority of my worship.

I went to bed late last night (as is the norm now,) and woke up early today (again, the unfortunate norm for me...) At cross country practice, we ran the water tower run, which is about 3.1 miles, which is about the length of a varsity course. Everyone did really well, with all the girls well under 30 minutes and all the guys a lot better than this time last year (I was four minutes faster! Woo-hoo!) So we stretched and then headed our different ways.

Except Hans and I... we headed the same way. You see, my aunt and uncle visited us last week, and they left their quads up here while they returned to Vegas. So after asking permission, I decided that a good 'Ol quad ride would be super-fun! (Unfortunately, I only had two helmets so I couldn't invite a third person to come with us...) We went through the valley and over into Moundhouse, where we met up with John. So the three of us spent today roarin' around the mountains behind Moudhouse. It was awesome, and we even found this sweet spot to go camping someday. It's up in these trees on your way up Radar Mountain** and it's full of tree-stands and campfire pits and such... I can't wait!

Now I'm home, waiting for Mom and Sarah to show up so we can get to packing and moving. So I'll say goodbye for now, and thanks if you're reading this!


Daniel K

*It should be noted that Stephanie is not a jerk in any way, shape, or form for suggesting that I start this blog. In fact, she's awesome. If you haven't high-fived her yet, do it now.
**This isn't the actual name of the mountain, I just felt like calling it that since it's got a bunch-load of radars and antennas and junk on top of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daniel! I totally know what you mean about what Steve said at Hume. And it's crazy to take that step back and look at things that way. I go through it almost every single day, with family, work, whatever. And sometimes, it totally sucks to go "Oh..yeah, I'm suppose to worship God anyway, because He's, you know, uber amazing and has a sweet plan for my life." Sometimes, it would be so much easier if faith was circumstance based.

Anyway, sweet blog! Praying for you.