Sunday, September 30, 2007

Reality Check.

Wait, wait, wait. So you're telling me that I'm that person now? Like, me? Not anyone else?

I'm the high school senior?

I'm the guy with his very own car?

I'm that person with a motorcycle?

I'm the one studying for Calculus tests?

I'm the one who's been to Hume?

I'm the one doing Mr. Rohrer's lame poetry packets?

I'm the one with a job and a bank account?

I'm the one applying for scholarships?

It's me encouraging complete strangers?

I'm the one trying to share my faith with my friends?

I'm teaching an FTP class?

It's my turn to start looking for colleges?

I'm that person wandering the halls because I have a free period?

I'm the one helping to lead worship at Crave?

I'm that person volunteering my time at churches?

I'm that person who's gone on a mission trip?

I'm the person giving tours of the school to new students?

I'm that guy with friends who are in college?

But I'm still Daniel?

Seriously? Because I was confused for just a second.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Not To Us.

So the other night, I went with Aaron and Brandon into the Sparks Christian Fellowship for a concert. Aaron warned me beforehand that the bands weren't screamo, but they "crunched guitars.*" I was a little skeptical, because I'm not into the whole yelling-at-the-top-of-your-lungs-into-a-microphone approach to music. But I decided that I wanted to go just to hang out anyway.

The night started out super fun - we spent like half an hour driving around Sparks looking for the place, because the Mapquest map was way wrong and the GPS in Brandon's dad's car kept leading us to random shopping centers. It was hilarious because Brandon's dad is a super cool dude and we were all joking around and having a lot of fun... we didn't even care that we missed the first band.

We showed up at 7:30 (it started at 7,) just in time to see the second band's** set of songs. Their lead singer was awesome! He crowd surfed and threw water bottles into the masses and got everyone super riled up. Aaron, Brandon, and I made our way to the front, packed in elbow-to-elbow with some sketchy looking characters. It was awesome.

The second band, Fireflight, came on and things calmed down a little bit. (Their lead singer was a chick, so a lot of girls crowded forward and so we guys didn't want to get super crazy.) Fireflight had a mellower set than the first band, but they were still the crazy, shredding guitars, screaming into the mic, double-bass pedal type of band. It was kinda offsetting at first, but man can you get into that music!

Then finally, Disciple came on. They're apparently pretty well known, although I'd never really heard of them. (For the record, the only 'hardcore' Christian band I'd ever heard was Skillet.) But oh, man. Theses dudes knew how. To. Rock! The lead singer was jumping around, hair flying everywhere, the guitarist was bellowing into the mic and thrashing his head to the beat, the drummer was a madman hopped up on the Holy Spirit, and the bassist was practically a brooding vortex of head banging.

Everyone in the crowd was going nuts, with people jumping all over the place, smaller people getting crowd surfed - a mass of shoving, sweating, yelling, cheering and thrashing people. There were strobe lights, smoke machines, spotlights, the whole nine yards. The music was super loud, the temperature was super hot. I couldn't even understand what the singer was yelling, but the driving beat and wailing guitars were good enough for me. There was even an encore at the (rather animated) request of all of us in the crowd.

It was so amazing - I found myself jumping with the beat, yelling with everyone in the crowd, and just plain going crazy. A quote from Donald Miller comes to mind - "Sometimes you need to watch someone love something before you can love it yourself. It's as if they are showing you the way."***

It was officially my first ever concert. No offense, Campaign, but after last night, I can see that while your Wednesday night shim dig at Hume was fun and all, this was truly a concert.

But wait! The best part has yet to come! On the last note of the encore, with the crowd going 100% insane and the drummer flogging the cymbals and the guitarist thrashing his strings in a mind-blowing cacophony, the singer is down on his knees holding out the last word. The crowd's message is clear "You rock!" And the lead singer points his finger up into the air and calls over the sound system, "Give Him your praise!"

Not to us,
But to Your name
Be the glory!

I was seeing those lyrics being acted out right before my eyes. This guy and and his band, who could have so easily been like, "That's right Reno, give it up! We rock!" Were instead using their amazing talents to point to God. "Worship Him. Give Him your praises. Jesus is King."


Then after the lights had come back on, and people around me were apologizing for any elbows to the face they might or might not have thrown during the guitar solo, the lead singer came back out and read us some sweet Scripture about how God wants no one to perish. He concluded by basically giving an alter call. "Who out there wants to say 'yes' to Jesus? Who out there knows that He hates your sin, but loves you? Who out there wants to be saved?"

Oh my goodness. I have to do that again sometime. but for now, I gots to scoop some ice creams.

Thanks for reading!


*For the record, I had no idea what Aaron meant when he told me that. I just kinda nodded.
**I don't actually remember their name... my bad...
***Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Is It Normal?

So I've been thinking a lot recently. Go figure. And I was just kinda pondering how we accept so many things as normal, since we only have our own lives to go off of. You know, like how you experience something and assume that everyone else experiences the same thing. Thinking about that, I realized how far from the truth that must be... So in that spirit, does ANY of this stuff seem normal?

Some mornings I just want to hop on my motorcycle, twist the throttle, and see how far I can get and how fast before sundown.

Pretty much anytime I listen to my iPod, I air-play the drums.

I dressed up like Batman with a 'Hagrid beard' the other day and sat in the halls of our school holding a sign that read "Gotham or Bust." And had a lot of fun.

I really, really, REALLY want to be one of two places right now: Hume Lake or Muir Beach, San Francisco. And both for the same reason.

I got 100% freezing-cold drenched today while riding into Reno, and I didn't warm up until like half an hour ago. (I was literally cold ALL day.)

I can't really enjoy a song unless I know/am seeing the lyrics.

Melding two words together is super addicting. And hilarious. Every time.

I can't wait for the cold, dark winter mornings this year.

City names like Dallas and Los Angeles have come to mean a whole lot more over just a few month's time.

Love changes your views on everything.

Anyone? Does anyone else feel the same way about any of those? Just curious...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Dayton Valley Shuffle.

So once again I find myself sitting in Makin' Coffee checking internet stuff on this borrowed laptop on a Sunday morning. And once again, I can't think of a single unified subject for my blog. So for the second time, I'm just going to poke a hole in my head and let some stuff leak onto the keyboard.*

-It's super cool having a youth pastor who grew up in Dayton. Jeremy was telling an anecdote the other day where he and some friends were driving golf carts around the Dayton Golf Course... and I was like "Hey, I've done that!"

-This school year has been weird in that I'm not (I'm going to sound super-lame, but oh well,) afraid of anyone. Before, I was sometimes uneasy speaking out or acting weird because there were upperclassmen that might disapprove. There were cool kids who might not like me, or cute girls that might brand me as a loser. But that fear is 99% absent now. I don't know if it's a result of the amazingly life-changing summer I had or just the fact that I'm the upperclassman now, but it's really fun. I feel comfortable hanging out with whoever and talking about whatever.

-The youth group at CVC is super-cool! My bad if I sound like a jerk loser, but I was kinda worried about how things would go this year... but after last night, with an amazing worship session, a sweet message, and watching "She's The Man" at Brandon's house afterwards, I'm really looking forward to this winter!

-Rachel Jackson is hilarious. Especially when she's jealous of Amanda Bynes. :)

-Childish prank calls may be the most overlooked of all the pranks.

-Mr. Paul's game face might haunt my dreams for the next 57 years.

-Sharpie mustaches smell gross and make you dizzy.**

-Writing letters by candlelight = old time awesome.

-Pilgrim's Progress is a super-cool book, made even more so by the fact that it's written in Olde English and I still love reading it.

-Darn you, Campaign!

-Squashes don't squash when thrown. They explode. Which makes them my new favorite vegetable.

-I hope my doodle doesn't void my ACT essay...

-It's super-cold in Makin' Coffee today.

-I need new running shoes. Drat.

-It's strange... despite the fact that it only happened once, (and not nearly long enough, I might add,) I always expect another helmet to come clacking against the back of mine whenever I hit the brakes on my motorcycle.***

-I have a newly-earned respect for anyone working in the food service industry. "No, no... take your time. Seriously."

-Sundays closing at Baskin' Robbins are way too fun to be qualified as "working."

-I really, really REALLY want to visit a big city. Especially after watching the music video to "Change Your Mind," by The Killers.

-I'm going to go now before my fingers freeze completely and fall off. Thanks for reading!


Daniel K

*I didn't actually poke a hole in my head, just in case you were getting worried. Which I know you were.

**And aren't fun to wake up to on a bus ride. Jerks.

***For the record, the scary-awkward calls to Mr. Greer were worth it. By far. :)

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Just some thoughts as of late blended over the weekend and poured into a blog:

I wish I were a really good songwriter... I'd meld all of my favorite aspects of songs (deep lyrics, good drumming, driving bass, and build-ups,) into a sweet concoction that'd be a best seller for at least the next 46 years.

If I could do back flips, I would have a lot more fun at dances. And cross country meets.

It would be wicked-awesome to fly to school everyday. But I might settle for riding the bus...

I've come to Makin' Coffee every Sunday to use the Internet for the past four weeks. I feel famous around here!

I need to do a sport for fun, as opposed to getting/staying in shape. Any suggestions?

I'm gunna start trying to drink half a gallon of water each day, because I'm always super-dehydrated after runs.

Police escorts are super-fun, as is riding with 200+ motorcycles through downtown Reno.

I can't wait for Street Vibrations this year.

I need to start reading again. And fast.

Missing two calculus lessons this November is gunna suck.

I'm almost 18!

Nerf guns are way fun... and I'm sure Nerf wars will be a lot more fun.

Are Nerf guns allowed at school?

Who would win in a fight: The Mad Hatter or King Leonidas?

Mrs. Kreuger, are you reading this?

Is anyone reading this?

I think I need a haircut soon (if you catch my drift, Robbie...)

Why are cellphones spelled without E's? Razr, Pebbl, etc.

Should I just ditch my cellphone in March when my contract expires?

I need new Myspace pictures.

Should I still get that tattoo when I turn 18?

For once, I can't wait until winter. How strange.

Jealousy sucks.

Having a fully-loaded car with everyone air-playing a different instrument is wicked fun. Especially when you're in traffic.


Dances are fun as long as you apply the lyrics to "Our Love Is loud" to whatever your doing.

Velvet Elvis looks like a good book.

I want to make a montage of my senior year.

Dayton High School - prepare for the hilarious genius that will be the combined efforts of the class of 2008!


Daniel K

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Just Because.*

Hmmmm. Funny story, I asked Mom to drop me by the library so I could use the computers while she goes out and picks up Sarah and Mike from work and gives Jamie some practice driving.** But upon arrival and activation of this very computer, I found nothing to do... no emails to check or Myspace stuff to attend to, or even funny websites to visit (the library connections aren't the fastest...)

So I decided I'd write a blog while I wait for her to show back up. Exciting, huh?

Well, today was the first day of the second week of school. It was an A-Day, so I went to Government, Literature, Calculus, and Band. Nothing spectacular happened, although the drum line and I worked on this snazzy new cadence for marching band this year - super tricky, but ridiculously fun once we got it down.

And I still can't believe how many essays I'm writing! Most of you know I love to write anyway, and so far I've completed four and am working on two. Sweet! (I'm a nerd, I know.) I've got this really cool idea for one of my admission essays, where the prompt is "Describe your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. What does it mean to be a follower of Christ?" And Mr. Rohrer's been pressing on us that we need to find and angle with which to approach essays, so I don't want to create a "Jesus means faith, spirituality, hard work, love, and life lessons" essay, however true all that stuff is. So I'm going to try and make one that expands on one of my favorite aspects of my faith.

I want to write an essay that focuses on the fact that not only is Jesus the King of kings and the Lord of lords, but that He also has the most amazing, unexpected, and hilarious sense of humor. I want to bring out instances from Hume Lake this year... instances like the night we had a crazy-intense worship session with Campaign, where you could just pray out to God with all your heart, and three hours later I was literally rolling in my bunk laughing because we had just lobbed a mushed-up brownie into the room adjacent to us in our cabin.

I just absolutely love how being a follower of Christ is not only a life-defining, heartbreaking, sacrificial journey, but also how He is loving enough to grace us with joy and happiness and laughter. Amen!

Well, I'm going to get going now, because the phone at the library desk has been ringing nonstop for the last five minutes, so I think cops are on their way or something... or I could just be over analyzing.***


Daniel K

*Mr. Rohrer also keeps telling us we need to always use engaging titles, so my bad for that one.
**She just got her permit - huzzah!
***In fact, I'm almost certain I am.

Monday, September 3, 2007

You Win Some, You Lose Some.

Hahaha, so turns out that yesterday's Dayton service was, more or less, a disaster. Pastor Jack was out of town, so they recorded Minden's Saturday night message on DVD to play for us. Except that about three quarters of the way through, it hit a scratch and froze. (Awesome.) So they winged it with another speaker, (which turned out remarkably well, I must admit.) Then when we were about to play this song, "All Who Are Thirsty," I came to a nasty realization - I'd forgotten how to start the song! It opens with a drum solo, which had apparently gotten hungry halfway through the last song and booked it for the donuts (jerk!)

Yeah, the whole deal was freaky at first, but looking back, I can get a pretty good glimpse of God's awesome sense of humor.

And then there's Baskin Robins.... I scored a free banana split AND a Heath Bar Shake on my first day! But closing was crazy, because there's just tons and tons to get done - no more minor league like with Keva Juice. I didn't get home until about 12:15, which was awesome. Just call me the Workin' Dan!

Well, I'm gunna get going now, but not before one last announcement: Stephanie G.* is awesome, amazing, and astounding all rolled into one (awemazounding?) My favorite is how God can put us hundreds of miles apart, and He can still use her to set me straight. I loves it!

Okay, bye for now!


Daniel K

*Are last names allowed? I assumed not, being as there's supposedly a lot of internet creepers, so I opted for the single letter. Maybe I'm just crazy.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Terrorists, Seating Charts, Cosine Graphs, and a Snare Drum.

Well, school has finally started. This summer was so packed-full of "coincedences," awesome memories, and life-changing experiences that the Daniel who went in to school the morning of Thursday, June 7th to take his Marine Science and English III finals seems like a long-forgotten memory. (Hence the last, super-long blog... Sorry about that.)

Being a senior? Meh. I guess it's cool. I mean, if you're into AP classes, jobs, college planning, and free periods. If you're into aircraft hijacking simulations in Government, or the looming intensity of Calculus, or English classes full of long books, or playing at football games in the band.

I'm....... undecided. Sure, it's fun to have a double-lunch because of my free period, and it's cool to be "the top" of the school, and writing college application essays, however tedius, will help later on, but I just can't, I dunno, get into it this year? (I can't think of how to word it exactly.) The past years, my focus has been so close - Dayton, sports, grades, an occasional Reno trip. But this year, it's different. It's like I had my nose in a Gameboy for the past few years, and I just looked up to see some people shredding Guitar Hero on the big screen.*

But hey, the Gameboy does have two screens now, and it even has the stylus that you can use to poke Mario's eyes with! So like I said, I'm undecided. I guess one thing keeping my eyes on the Gameboy is that no matter how much I want to, I can't go shred on the plastic guitar until I get this "diploma" thing, no matter how many times I've defeated Bowser.

And with that final nail in the coffin of my coolness,** I'm gunna go.


Daniel K

*Me + Nerdy Metaphores = True Love.
**The cat's pajamas are overrated, anyway.