Monday, September 3, 2007

You Win Some, You Lose Some.

Hahaha, so turns out that yesterday's Dayton service was, more or less, a disaster. Pastor Jack was out of town, so they recorded Minden's Saturday night message on DVD to play for us. Except that about three quarters of the way through, it hit a scratch and froze. (Awesome.) So they winged it with another speaker, (which turned out remarkably well, I must admit.) Then when we were about to play this song, "All Who Are Thirsty," I came to a nasty realization - I'd forgotten how to start the song! It opens with a drum solo, which had apparently gotten hungry halfway through the last song and booked it for the donuts (jerk!)

Yeah, the whole deal was freaky at first, but looking back, I can get a pretty good glimpse of God's awesome sense of humor.

And then there's Baskin Robins.... I scored a free banana split AND a Heath Bar Shake on my first day! But closing was crazy, because there's just tons and tons to get done - no more minor league like with Keva Juice. I didn't get home until about 12:15, which was awesome. Just call me the Workin' Dan!

Well, I'm gunna get going now, but not before one last announcement: Stephanie G.* is awesome, amazing, and astounding all rolled into one (awemazounding?) My favorite is how God can put us hundreds of miles apart, and He can still use her to set me straight. I loves it!

Okay, bye for now!


Daniel K

*Are last names allowed? I assumed not, being as there's supposedly a lot of internet creepers, so I opted for the single letter. Maybe I'm just crazy.

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