Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Dayton Valley Shuffle.

So once again I find myself sitting in Makin' Coffee checking internet stuff on this borrowed laptop on a Sunday morning. And once again, I can't think of a single unified subject for my blog. So for the second time, I'm just going to poke a hole in my head and let some stuff leak onto the keyboard.*

-It's super cool having a youth pastor who grew up in Dayton. Jeremy was telling an anecdote the other day where he and some friends were driving golf carts around the Dayton Golf Course... and I was like "Hey, I've done that!"

-This school year has been weird in that I'm not (I'm going to sound super-lame, but oh well,) afraid of anyone. Before, I was sometimes uneasy speaking out or acting weird because there were upperclassmen that might disapprove. There were cool kids who might not like me, or cute girls that might brand me as a loser. But that fear is 99% absent now. I don't know if it's a result of the amazingly life-changing summer I had or just the fact that I'm the upperclassman now, but it's really fun. I feel comfortable hanging out with whoever and talking about whatever.

-The youth group at CVC is super-cool! My bad if I sound like a jerk loser, but I was kinda worried about how things would go this year... but after last night, with an amazing worship session, a sweet message, and watching "She's The Man" at Brandon's house afterwards, I'm really looking forward to this winter!

-Rachel Jackson is hilarious. Especially when she's jealous of Amanda Bynes. :)

-Childish prank calls may be the most overlooked of all the pranks.

-Mr. Paul's game face might haunt my dreams for the next 57 years.

-Sharpie mustaches smell gross and make you dizzy.**

-Writing letters by candlelight = old time awesome.

-Pilgrim's Progress is a super-cool book, made even more so by the fact that it's written in Olde English and I still love reading it.

-Darn you, Campaign!

-Squashes don't squash when thrown. They explode. Which makes them my new favorite vegetable.

-I hope my doodle doesn't void my ACT essay...

-It's super-cold in Makin' Coffee today.

-I need new running shoes. Drat.

-It's strange... despite the fact that it only happened once, (and not nearly long enough, I might add,) I always expect another helmet to come clacking against the back of mine whenever I hit the brakes on my motorcycle.***

-I have a newly-earned respect for anyone working in the food service industry. "No, no... take your time. Seriously."

-Sundays closing at Baskin' Robbins are way too fun to be qualified as "working."

-I really, really REALLY want to visit a big city. Especially after watching the music video to "Change Your Mind," by The Killers.

-I'm going to go now before my fingers freeze completely and fall off. Thanks for reading!


Daniel K

*I didn't actually poke a hole in my head, just in case you were getting worried. Which I know you were.

**And aren't fun to wake up to on a bus ride. Jerks.

***For the record, the scary-awkward calls to Mr. Greer were worth it. By far. :)


Anonymous said...

Do not dare darn Campaign! The cd shall be here soon!

Patience friend!


Anonymous said...

Campaign's cd arrived in my mailbox today. check yours.