Saturday, October 27, 2007

So Much Awesome.

Well, I've got two little tidbits for all my avid readers out there...

The first: Across The Universe is the most awesome movie I've seen. Ever. I mean, let's face it - the Beatles are sweet no matter how you slice it, and so a musical devoted to their songs is inherently amazing. But on top of that, the unexpected humor, developed characters, setting, and plot line are phenomenal. I found myself laughing hysterically as well as looking on soberly during several occasions, and despite the awkward sex/boob scenes, it's still a movie to be seen. (I've seen it twice so far!)

Secondly, I've encountered a crazy situation as of late. There is an older man (probably about 45 or so) who lives somewhere back behind the Calvary Baptist Church, off Flowery Lane. I've seen him walking along Highway 50 or hitchhiking from that corner several times. I first talked with him when I gave him a ride last winter from Slotworld in Carson City to the Calvary Baptist Church here in Dayton. We talked about college and such, and he mentioned that he was good friends with a professor down at UNLV who was involved with the architecture program. "No way? I'm looking at taking that program!" (Because at the time, I was.)

I didn't really see a lot of him over the spring, but when summer came I began to spy him along the highway. Occasionally, if I had room or he was hitchhiking, I would give him a ride - always to the 7-11 across from Dairy Queen, so he could catch the bus to the community college, where he works. We would talk about politics or urban sprawl in Dayton, (obviously topics of his choosing.) One time, he brought up the topic of how Clark County is currently looking to use our water up here because they're so dry down there. Which is weird because at Boys' State, my little group of legislators hacked down a bill regarding the use of water from Northern Nevada by Southern Nevada.

Now here's the kicker: Today I gave him another ride, only this time he said he was headed to Reno. He said that he was taking a day to goof around in Reno, and later he was going to see Across The Universe. "No way? Some friends and I are heading in there later tonight to see that movie!" (Because Hans, John, Mike and I had arranged to see it at the Summit Theater at 7.) He mentioned that some friends of his in Colorado had recently seen it and told him how good it was, so he'd decided to check it out. That's crazy, because right after I posted my last blog from our hotel in Colorado, Mom and I went and saw it at the local theater. The guy and I then got into a talk about The Beatles, and he knew a lot! Not just about their discography or biography, but about their style or music and the dynamics in their band (stuff like how Ringo is an underestimated drummer because McCartney plays such strong bass riffs that so little percussion is needed.) I dropped him off by the on ramp off of Highway 50 and bid him farewell.

Seven hours later, Hans, Mike, John and I sat down to watch the movie. It was sweet (see "tidbit number one" if you've forgotten.) Afterwards, when we get up to leave, there's only one guy left in the theater with us, sitting at the end of our row. You guessed it - it was him. I asked him how he liked it. He said it was good, "The soundtrack to my life."

So, uhhhhhh. Coincidence? UNLV architecture, Reno trip, water issues, Across The Universe, friends in Colorado, passion for The Beatles, same theater (and row and show time, for that matter.) I just think it's almost a little spooky. And thought provoking.



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