Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Sweet Smell of "I Can't Wait."


I'm currently in Denver, Colorado at our hotel. Mom and I have spent the last two days exploring around both Colorado Christian University and Denver. Both are pretty much amazing.

CCU - I'm super psyched about it. At first I wasn't too thrilled because the campus is a LOT smaller than I thought it would be. There's basically the apartments for freshman (pretty much dorms, but cooler,) the apartments for upperclassmen, the Events Center, the soccer field, the School of Theology, the Student Union, the library, the cafeteria, the bookstore, and the "big building," with most of the classrooms in it. All the buildings are single storied... kinda. They all have basements, but they're not huge buildings like at UNR or anything. It's enrollment is only about 1500, and you can walk around campus in under 20 minutes. I recognized too many parallels to Dayton to be immediately thrilled.

But then I took the tour and realized that this is college! I met tons of sweet people doing tons of sweet stuff, and explored most all of the buildings. The community here is really tight. Everyone knows everyone else, if not by name then at least by reputation. The student-to-staff ratio is 20:1, meaning small classes meaning more attention from professors. But I didn't want to make my decision based on these things... I wanted a person to talk to about it all... someone who'd be real with me.

Luckily, I stayed with a student ambassador, Greg, and his roomies Aaron, Phil and Clifton. They were all ridiculously cool, and I got my first ever taste of the "It's 1:30am and I'm hungry... who wants to come to Sonic with me?" effect. It was sweet. We even drove up to the top of Lookout Mountain and... well... looked out over Denver. Beautiful. It was like the earth had decided to mirror the stars. Thousands upon thousands of twinkling, pulsing, steady lights of white, orange, red, green and blue.

So pretty much, I'm as sure as is possible that I'm going to go to CCU come August.

And then there's Denver! We spent most of today driving around doing craziness. We tried to go to the zoo (That's right, I'll be living in a city with a zoo,) but we found out that it was free admission day, so it was more of a people zoo than anything. So we instead went to the 16th Street Mall (That's right, I'll be living in a city with a mall that takes up an entire street for miles,) then we contemplated going to the aquarium (Yep. And there'll be movie theaters and bowling alleys and ice skating and skiing and hiking and rafting and rock climbing and homeless ministries and bi-weekly chapels on campus and kittens and jet planes and highways and sneakers and music!!!!) As you can tell, I'm pretty much super excited.

Now all I have to do is pass some AP tests and graduate. How hard could that be?



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