Monday, March 16, 2009

The Beginning...

Well, pretty much my greatest dream ever has come to fruition... I've been assigned to write a fictional short story 5-10 pages long! Booyah!

So, without further adieu, I give you the first page:*

The Scholarship

Full of a frustrated sort of relief, Eli stepped forward, squared off against the plain gunmetal door, and shoved hard with his entire body. The illusion of a locked portal vanished with a tremendous clang as the off-kilter door dislodged from the frame and swung open on oiled hinges. Without pause, Eli stepped boldly inside the lit room and absorbed the cramped space in his gaze. A smug look seeped onto his face - he had at last found Ralph.

* * *

The sounds of studying hummed in Eli’s ears. He had always found it strange that such an activity as studying possessed so distinct a noise, yet it did all the same. Pages ruffled, iPods sang barely audible tunes, noses were cleared of debris, and chairs grunted and groaned under the ever-increasing brain mass of their occupants.

Eli moved purposefully through the rows of crowded tables towards his favorite spot in the large Oregon State University library - against the back wall, between the boiler room door and the fire escape. Rounding the final bookshelf, Eli felt a flash of annoyance upon discovering that a couple had taken residence in his spot and were dedicating their study time to canoodling. Given that it was finals week, Eli’s better judgement begged him not to risk causing a scene by attempting to evict them.

As such, it was against his better judgement that Eli cleared his throat and asked loudly, “You two having a killer time?”

The couple hardly broke stride, the male opting to reach his hand up and extend a middle finger in Eli’s direction. “Most excellent. Carry on, then,” Eli replied cheerfully, turning and adjusting his course for the second floor, where his alternate study spot waited.

A flash of hot pink screamed at his eye as Eli entered the stairwell. He shot a look down at his feet and scooped up the Post-It note instinctively. Eli was no environmentalist, but he hated to see litter on campus. He didn’t understand why students would trash the school they paid so much to attend. Out of sheer boredom, Eli glanced at the note as he trudged up the stairs. What he read caused him to stop walking and re-read the note three times;

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

*This is my first rough draft and all, so be gentle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...