Sunday, March 22, 2009

To Do.

Upon returning to my apartment Saturday morning, I found myself caught up in a cleaning bonanza. Scooter asked me to help him tidy things up, and I rather reluctantly agreed. After having finished the dishes and the trash, I took to Cameron's and my room and began to tame the beast of a mess residing on our floor. In doing so, I uncovered a few different "To Do" lists from this past week. I thought I'd give all you avid readers out there a little glimpse into my day-to-day life through them;

NOTE: These are in no particular order.

To Do
-Go to lunch with Dan-The-Man
-Fill prescription
-Download song(s) for tomorrow's set list*
-Practice said set list
-Read AT LEAST three chs. of Sophie's World
-Read AT LEAST one ch. of Case for Peace
-Study study school's your buddy! (Philosophy and Old Testament)
-Old Testament summaries
-Go to D-Group interview**

To Do
-Go running
-Set up meeting with Dr. Watson
-Write page 2 of short story
-Put up fliers and do sidewalk chalk for Capture the Flag
-Count change jar
-WOW meeting
-Decide on game for Super Outlet***
-Sign up for "A Sacred Day"****
-Get to bed EARLY!

To Do
-Set up meetings with: Carlton, Michael, and Alex*****
-Go to Trash Club
-Go to D-Group meeting
-Go to missions meeting^
-Call Robbie re: trip^^
-SGA meeting^^^
-Doctor's appointment (borrow Big Mike's car?)

Well, that about wraps it up. A lot of it was in shorthand (one line actually read "TC for life!" So I decided to tone down the Daniel jargon.)

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

P.S. It's also worth mentioning that I saw the movie Watchmen today and it was mega awesome. Pretty gory and a few super-awkward scenes, but overall it rocked my socks. I highly suggest reading the book first, though.

*Set list = the songs for the church service (or any performance, really.)
**D-Group = Discipleship Group. = a student-lead Bible study group for freshmen. I'm hopefully going to be leading one next year.
***Super Outlet = a once-a-month youth group event where Outlet meets with other youth groups and does crazy crud.
****A Sacred Day = a sweet idea to read the entire Bible in the period of 72 hours by getting students to sign up for 1/2 hour slots and read for the entire 72 hours. It was really cool.
*****They're three junior high guys in my small group. We all hang out once or twice a week.
^I'm going on a mission trip to LA over Spring Break to help out in Skid Row.
^^I'm going to visit Robbie in April! Heck yeah!
^^^SGA - Student Government (I dunno what the "A" stands for...)


Anonymous said...

What DO you call the last three hairs on a dog's tail?!? Inquiring minds want to know.

Daniel said...

Dog hairs.
