Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hmm. It appears I'm on a posting frenzy. My blogging ratio is up significantly in this past week or so. I'm having a lot of fun, though, so I'm fine with it.

Anyway, I just thought I'd let everyone out there know what classes I'm officially signed up to take in Fall 2009:


COM 204 - Nonverbal Communication
COM 205 - Digital Media Lab
COM 206 - Digital Media Production
GLS 203 - Introduction to Global Studies
GLS 386 - Exploring World Cultures: Asia
THE 201 - Introduction to Theology

If you couldn't tell, I'm still trying to decide between a Global Studies (GLS) and Communication (COM) major. My total credit hours would be 16 if I did all those (The Digital Media Lab is worth 1 as an accompanying class to Digital Media Production.) But I'm contemplating dropping Digital Media and taking on Interpersonal Communication if the Digital Media Lab conflicts with my small group schedule.

So, there you have it! Questions? Comments? Feel free!

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

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