Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just Wondering, I Guess.

Way back in August, at the advent of my college experience, our campus pastor gave the opening message to boot off the new year.

"God brought me here," he commanded us to repeat after him. What choice did we have? All the students packed into the events center in unison repeated, "God brought me here." We then repreated it four more times, each time emphasizing a different word in the sentence. I thought it was kinda hokey and all, but the heart behind it was beautiful. Pastor Werner wanted us all to realize that God doesn't make mistakes, and even if we were having misgivings about our place in life, to remember that God is sovereign.

Why is it that sometimes I find that truth so hard to live out?

I catch myself occasionally parusing websites for Westpoint or Biola or CU Boulder or Willamette thinking "if only." If only I'd applied to more places, or if only I had done better on that stupid PSAT and become a National Merit Scholar, or if only I had gotten more scholarships.

Careful how you interpret this, because I love CCU. I love the learning, the people, and the the community behind this little campus in the middle of Lakewood. Save for a few classes, I've been extremely impressed with how and what I'm learning. Yet the words of Jeremy keep popping up in my mind; "Good is the enemy of the best." Am I in the best college for me?

This question keeps nagging at me. I mean, there are schools that cost a lot less and have a lot more distinguished programs than CCU. There are universities nationally renown for their (insert area of study here.) I'm doing "good" at CCU, but could I be doing "the best" somewhere else?

"God brought me here."

A most excellent friend of mine* once told me that, "there is no decision you can make that will cause God to throw His hands up in the air and say, 'Aw dang it! This ruins everything!'"

Perhaps I am doing "the best" here...? God only knows. I just wish He'd throw me a bone.**

"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phillipians 1:3-6)

Wow. God doesn't mess around when it comes to promises.

Thanks for reading,

-Daniel K

*A most excellent friend whom I am going to visit in April! Holla!
**Or is that He has already thrown it and it's staring me in the face?

1 comment:

Brookester said...

Still waiting .. and still bored .. and still about to fall asleep.

But, yes. Same thoughts. But, I haven't looked over other campus's sights.. cuz at least for the Colorado schools (what I have to go to) I already know what they offer. But, we chose here. It's a good thing.