Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Just Because.*

Hmmmm. Funny story, I asked Mom to drop me by the library so I could use the computers while she goes out and picks up Sarah and Mike from work and gives Jamie some practice driving.** But upon arrival and activation of this very computer, I found nothing to do... no emails to check or Myspace stuff to attend to, or even funny websites to visit (the library connections aren't the fastest...)

So I decided I'd write a blog while I wait for her to show back up. Exciting, huh?

Well, today was the first day of the second week of school. It was an A-Day, so I went to Government, Literature, Calculus, and Band. Nothing spectacular happened, although the drum line and I worked on this snazzy new cadence for marching band this year - super tricky, but ridiculously fun once we got it down.

And I still can't believe how many essays I'm writing! Most of you know I love to write anyway, and so far I've completed four and am working on two. Sweet! (I'm a nerd, I know.) I've got this really cool idea for one of my admission essays, where the prompt is "Describe your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. What does it mean to be a follower of Christ?" And Mr. Rohrer's been pressing on us that we need to find and angle with which to approach essays, so I don't want to create a "Jesus means faith, spirituality, hard work, love, and life lessons" essay, however true all that stuff is. So I'm going to try and make one that expands on one of my favorite aspects of my faith.

I want to write an essay that focuses on the fact that not only is Jesus the King of kings and the Lord of lords, but that He also has the most amazing, unexpected, and hilarious sense of humor. I want to bring out instances from Hume Lake this year... instances like the night we had a crazy-intense worship session with Campaign, where you could just pray out to God with all your heart, and three hours later I was literally rolling in my bunk laughing because we had just lobbed a mushed-up brownie into the room adjacent to us in our cabin.

I just absolutely love how being a follower of Christ is not only a life-defining, heartbreaking, sacrificial journey, but also how He is loving enough to grace us with joy and happiness and laughter. Amen!

Well, I'm going to get going now, because the phone at the library desk has been ringing nonstop for the last five minutes, so I think cops are on their way or something... or I could just be over analyzing.***


Daniel K

*Mr. Rohrer also keeps telling us we need to always use engaging titles, so my bad for that one.
**She just got her permit - huzzah!
***In fact, I'm almost certain I am.

1 comment:

The Life Awake said...

that's a really sweet observation...

hmmm...I have a vague recollection of being on the receiving end of said mushy brownie.